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This week we were extremely fortunate to have White Watch’ and ‘Red Watch’ from Cosham Fire Station come in and present at all four of our House Assemblies.
Mr Jackson invited our guests in so they could talk to us all about ‘fire safety’, and help highlight the need for everyone to be sensible and safe in the run-up to Bonfire Night. The firemen who came in were actually ‘on call’, and arrived in a large Fire Engine, which parked outside our school, ready to leave if an emergency occurred whilst they were with us!
Each assembly consisted of the Watch Manager leading the presentation, and their colleagues supporting them. As they led the assembly, another fireman demonstrated a ‘Thermal Imaging camera’, and another dressed up in full ‘kit’ for us to see how this is carried out – this was amazing to see, as the fireman had to put on all their special clothing, then the heavy tank of air, then the helmet and gloves, and then be able to run / carry, etc., all in some very dangerous and hostile conditions.
We are very grateful to our guests for not only giving up their time to come in to visit us, but for also demonstrating the apparatus they use to save people’s lives, and for giving us such amazing and interesting assemblies.

Mr Jackson

My Happy MindArtsmark Gold Award