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On Wednesday and Thursday last week, Mrs Sherry Ware, a Widening Participation Officer for the University of Chichester, came in to our school to talk to all of Year 7, and to the sixty most-able Year 9 students.

Mrs Ware started her time here presenting to our Year 7 IGNITE students, explaining what a university is, what one can study there, why study there, and what educational pathway one could follow so as to be able to go to university and study. Mrs Ware, then, over the next day and a half, met all of our 200 Year 7 students, in groups, explaining the same idea, and helping students understand what they could do to reach specific career aims.

Mrs Ware then met two groups of thirty Year 9 students, leading workshops that helped students identify how they ‘best learn’, and, in combination with their preferred subjects, what potential careers they could follow in later life. This was then linked with what degree courses the students could follow so as to reach specific career goals.

We thank Mrs Ware for her time, and for the copious pens, pencils and revision aids she left with our students to aid them with their studies.

My Happy MindArtsmark Gold Award