Image of

£150 Argos Vouchers           E Roberts                   08982

£75 Argos Vouchers        Frank Robbs                   08482

£50 Argos Vouchers      Eliesha Pettitt                  08112

£25 Amazon Vouchers      J & P Davey                  00990

Jo Malone Wash Set        Julian Pettitt                   08115

Jo Malone Picture Frame     S Bolwell                   15004

Jo Malone Gift Set                R Medlen                    09807

Perfume Gift Set                     Lucy                         08498

Cupcake Maker                Mrs Waterfield                14757

2XCimbing Voucher       Joanne Harrison             13021

Fun City Vouchers                Shelley Page              10762

Children’s Gift Set                   M Pottinger             13470

Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and donated prizes

My Happy MindArtsmark Gold Award