
Little Sunbeams

Welcome to the page of Little Sunbeams.  

On 7th September 2021, we moved into our brand-new building. Our new facility provides a warm and nurturing environment, equipped with stimulating and exciting resources for our children to access. We have a well-equipped outside provision that the children use throughout the day. 

At Sunbeams, we recognise children's varied abilities, interests, needs and learning styles. We aim to develop close and supportive relationships with our parents, working together so all our children can reach their full potential. 

In pre-school we provide care and education for children between the ages of 3 to 4 years old.

For further information, you can contact the manager, Mrs. Isobel Edwards, on 02392 693432 ex 3 or our mobile number 07807483755.

Maintaining our Ofsted ranking as a 'Good' School, our mission is to support our children in reaching their highest developmental, social and academic potential. We will create and maintain a developmentally appropriate environment for learning while empowering families to participate in and enhance their children's education.

Following a recent inspection by Ofsted of Little Sunbeams Preschool and Nursery at Mayfield School we are pleased to confirm the 'overall effectiveness' of the provision was judged to be 'Good ' with 'Outstanding' behaviour and attitudes.

'Little Sunbeams' was established at Mayfield in October 2012. Our new chairperson Mr Lewis Mason and manager Mrs Isobel Edwards would like to congratulate all the staff and children on this lovely result.

This is a testament to all the hard work we have been doing together working in partnership with our parents. 
Ofsted recognizes that :

Staff, who are excellent role models, very successfully help children learn the skills they need to regulate their own behaviour.
Staff take the time to sensitively support children,such as talking through situations they find difficult.
Staff respond promptly to any delays in children's learning and development. They liaise with other professionals and provide targeted activities to support children effectively. As a result, any gaps in their development are narrowing quickly.
The manager uses additional funding effectively to help support those who need it most.
Staff help children to develop a very positive sense of themselves and others.
Children benefit from experiences that enhance their learning and enjoyment such as outings to the zoo.
The manager and staff work hard to develop strong partnerships with parents.
They provide a wealth of information, including how to keep children safe when they use the internet.
Parents speak highly of staff, they feel well supported and impressed with the progress their children make.
Staff help children develop the skills they need for the next stages in their learning very well.
The manager continuously and effectively reflects on the quality of the provision. She ensures staff have plenty of opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills through training and coaching.

We provide lunchtime supervision so your children can stay for lunch at a cost of £8.00. Now it is a packed lunch option which you need to provide. We are a Nut Free School so please remember not to place anything in their lunch which may contain traces of nuts or nuts. Thank you in advance.


We are in receipt of Government nursery education funding for two, three and four-year-old children.This funding pays for 15 hours of nursery education. Where funding is not received the normal fee of £19.00 per session applies.

Breakfast and afterschool club costs £7 per hour, with Breakfast and light tea provided.

We are open for 38 weeks each year (Term Time Only).

We are open Monday to Friday with our morning sessions from 9am until 12pm and afternoon sessions from 1pm until 4pm.

All-Day sessions can be made available, please speak to the manager for more details. 

We also offer a breakfast and afterschool club to meet the needs of our working parents, this operates from 8am to 9am and 4pm to 6pm.

Our nursery has an excellent reputation in our local community. We provide a safe, caring, and harmonious environment where children flourish. We develop close and supportive relationships with our parents, ensuring our children's needs are being consistently met. 

Children can attend Nursery from the age of 6 months up to 3 years old. We are a term-time-only provision.

The Opening Hours are; 

  • 8am till 6pm for a Full day session
  • 9am till 12’oclock for a morning session
  • 1pm till 4pm for an afternoon session

We provide breakfast and a light tea; lunch needs to be provided by yourselves. 
