Physical Education @ Mayfield gives all students a “shop window” to health, exercise and sport. Physical Education is one of the Golden threads which runs through the school, challenging our student's physical and mental development. Teamwork and respect are key threads that run through all our lessons and our motto focuses on individual improvement and not just excellence. The house system and linked competitions are important in all our lessons and we actively encourage students to be winners. 

Our ethos is to develop key sporting skills in a variety of activities and encourage our enthusiastic students into both extra-curricular and community clubs. These sporting skills are transferable and can be adapted in different situations. We have 4 assessment strands that are used as each child progresses through the school. These include: Health Fitness and Engagement, Application of Skill, Decision Making and Understanding and Leadership, Reflection and Communication. These strands give all students an opportunity to succeed in Physical Education.  

The department has 6 activity pathways which run through the school including Invasion games, Net Games, Striking and Fielding Games, Athletics, Health and Fitness and Swimming. Gymnastics and Dance are also covered in KS2 and KS3. Our provision is based around 2 hours per week of PE with KS1 and KS2 being delivered on site and KS3 and KS4 being delivered at the Mountbatten Centre. This structure improves the quality of provision and experience for all students using the best facilities available. Sports Studies is also offered as an option subject in Years 10 and 11 for those that have an interest in developing their performance and understanding of PE further.  

In PE, we drive to embed the 6 R’s in all lessons. Pupils will need to develop organisation skills to ensure they are ready for practical lessons and after school extra-curricular. We encourage students to be resilient so that push hard to succeed and persevere when the situation is difficult. Students are to show respect to staff and their peers in sporting situations when both winning and losing. The pupils will be able to reflect on their performance and that of their partner to improve performance and succeed. We expect students to develop responsibility as they develop their leadership and communication skills and finally their resourcefulness to transfer their learning from one sport to another. All are important to embed a lifelong appreciation for health and fitness and the enjoyment achieved through participation in competitive sport. 

Physical Education Motto: 

"PE is not about comparing yourself to someone else,  

it's about your desire to be better than you used to be!" 


Each Student will be assessed against the Core PE Strands as they progress through the school. This is where they can be working towards, achieving the met criteria or extending to depth in each category. 

Strand 1


Health, Fitness and Engagement

Strand 2


Application of Skills

Strand 3


Decision Making and Understanding

Strand 4


Leadership, Reflection and Communication




Extra-Curricular Additions 







Table Tennis 



Striking and Fielding  













Striking and Fielding 














Striking and Fielding 






All Target sports will run alongside a Health Pathway that will run through the schools’ PE Curriculum – This pathway will include activities such as running, outdoor fitness, HRE, circuit training and spinning.  


The delivery of PE across all Key stages to be centrally resourced and staffed. In house training to be completed with non-specialist TA’s to improve quality of delivery.  

Non-Negotiables through Mayfield PE 

Embrace the Department Motto for PE development  

Full KIT for all lessons 

Fully engaged participation with a positive ethos 

Competitive approach to learning to achieve personal goals 

Health mindset – Fit for life! 

Assessment strands to track through the Physical Journey 

Early Years 





H/E Coordination 

Body awareness 

Spatial awareness 



H/E Coordination 

Body control 



Working with a Partner 


Small Groups 

Running for 15 minutes 

Transfer of basic skills from S to S. 





Decision Making 

Alternative responses to situations 

Develop Tactics 



Reflection and Improvement  



Development of basic fine and gross motor skills, spatial awareness and working with others.   

Development of key skills including: 





•Reaction Time   

•Co-operation and Team work 


EYFS – Continuous provision has a strong emphasis on physical development and the outdoor space can be accessed by pupils at all times. Real PE is introduced and taught in explicit sessions alongside the ABC programme. These can be delivered as a class or as an intervention for targeted groups. 

KS 1 - 2 hours per week – one indoor Real PE session and one outdoor games lesson are  

taught by the class or PPA teacher. The ABC programme is taught as an intervention for targeted children. 

Primary - Statutory Curriculum 

Development of basic fine and gross motor skills, spatial awareness and working with others.   

Development of key skills including:


  • Co-ordination  
  • Agility  
  • Balance  
  • Reaction Time   
  • Co-operation and Teamwork 


EYFS – Continuous provision has a strong emphasis on physical development and the outdoor space can be accessed by pupils at all times. Real PE is introduced and taught in explicit sessions alongside the ABC programme. These can be delivered as a class or as an intervention for targeted groups. 

KS 1 - 2 hours per week – one indoor Real PE session and one outdoor games lesson are taught by the class or PPA teacher. The ABC programme is taught as an intervention for targeted children. 

Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations. 

  • Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities 

  • Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending  

  • Perform dances using simple movement patterns. 

Year 1 Games 

Year 2 Games 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Throw underarm 

  • Hit a ball underarm 

  • Move and stop safely 

  • Throw and catch with both hand 

  • Throw and kick in different ways.  


Children could be taught to; 

  • Use hitting/ kicking and/or rolling in a game 

  • Decide the best space to use in a game 

  • Use a tactic in a game 

  • Follow rules 



Year 1 Gymnastics 

Year 2 Gymnastics 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Make their body curled, tensed, stretched and relaxed. 

  • Control their body when travelling and balancing. 

  • Copy sequences and repeat them.  

  • Roll, curl, travel and balance in different ways.  


Children could be taught to; 

  •  Plan and perform a sequence of movements. 

  • Improve their sequence based on feedback.  

  • Think of more than one way to create a sequence which follow some ‘rules’. 

  • Work on their own and with a partner. 

Year 1 Dance 

Year 2 Dance 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Move to music. 

  • Copy dance moves. 

  • Perform their own dance moves. 

  • Make up a short dance. 

  • Move safely in a space. 


Children could be taught to; 

  • Change rhythm, speed, level and direction in my dance. 

  • Dance with control and coordination. 

  • Make a sequence by linking sections together. 


Year 1 Athletics 

Year 2 Athletics 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Explore different ways to run - adjust speed 

  • Throw, aim and catch large missiles 

  • Jump using one and two feet. Land safely. 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Vary the speed of running 

  • Throw, aim and catch missiles with increasing accuracy 

  • Jump in different ways and land safely. 



Year 1 General 

Year 2 General 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Copy actions. 

  • Repeat actions and skills. 

  • Move with control and care. 

  • Use equipment carefully. 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Copy and remember actions. 

  • Talk about what is different from what and did and what someone else did. 


KS2 – Skill Development building on that learned in KS1 and the introduction of Target Sport Development. 

1 hour per week – PE lesson  

1 hour per week – Games Lesson  

KS 2 pupils all have access to one unit of swimming. 

Specialist Staff work alongside the class teacher to deliver high quality subject knowledge.  Real PE is used as a basis for lessons. 

All pupils have an opportunity to compete in at least one event per year as part of the Portsmouth Schools Programme. 

Additional opportunities are provided to all pupils to participate in additional sporting activities as part of the extensive extra-curricular programme. 

Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. 


  • Use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination  

  • Play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending  

  • Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics]  

  • Perform dances using a range of movement patterns  

  • Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team  

  • Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. 


Swimming and water safety 


  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres  

  • Use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]  

  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 


Year 3 Games 

Year 4 Games 

Children could be taught to; 

  •  Throw and catch with control 

  • Be aware of space and use it to support team mates and to cause problems for the opposition 

  • Know and use the rules fairly 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Catch with one hand 

  • Throw and catch accurately 

  • Hit a ball accurately and with control 

  • Keep possession of a ball 

  • Vary tactics and adapt skills depending on what is happening in a game 


Year 3 Gymnastics 

Year 4 Gymnastics 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Adapt sequences to suit different types of apparatus and criteria. 

  • Explain how strength and suppleness affect performance. 

  • Compare and contrast gymnastic sequences. 


Children could be taught to; 

  • Work in a controlled way 

  • Include a change of speed and direction 

  • Include a range of shapes 

  • Work with a partner to create, repeat and improve a sequence with at least 3 phases 

Year 3 Dance 

Year 4 Dance 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Improvise freely and translate ideas from a stimulus into movement. 

  • Share and create phrases with a partner and small group. 

  • Repeat, remember and perform phrases. 


Children could be taught to; 

  • Take the lead when working with a partner or group. 

  • Use dance to communicate an idea. 

Year 3 Athletics 

Year 4 Athletics 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Run at fast, medium and slow speeds. 

  • Take part in a relay, remembering when to run and what to do. 

  • Throw with increasing accuracy 

  • Jump in different ways 



Children could be taught to; 

  • Run over a long distance 

  • Sprint over a short distance 

  • Throw in different ways 

  • Hit a target 

  • Jump in different ways and with increasing control 


Year 3 Outdoor & Adventurous 

Year 4 Outdoor & Adventurous 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Follow a map in a familiar context. 

  • Use clues to follow a route 

  • Follow a route safely  

Children could be taught to; 

  • Follow a map in a (more demanding) familiar context. 

  • Follow a route with time limit 



Year 5 Games 

Year 6 Games 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Gain possession by working as a team 

  • Pass in different ways 

  • Use forehand and backhand with a racquet 

  • Field in different sports 

  • Choose a tactic for defending and attacking 

  • Use several techniques to pass, dribble and shoot 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Play to the agreed rules 

  • Explain rules to others 

  • Umpire 

  • Make a team and communicate a plan 

  • Lead others in a game situation 

Year 5 Gymnastics 

Year 6 Gymnastics 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Make complex extended sequences 



Children could be taught to; 

  • Combine their own work with that of others. 

  • Make sequences to specific timetables.  

Year 5 Dance 

Year 6 Dance 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Compose my own dances in a creative way. 

  • Perform to an accompaniment. 

  • Make a dance that shows clarify, fluency, accuracy and consistency. 


Children could be taught to; 

  • Develop sequences in a specific style. 

  • Choose my own music and style. 

Year 5 Athletics 

Year 6 Athletics 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Throw with accuracy. 

  • Complete a controlled take-off and landing. 

  • Begin to combine running and jumping. 


Children could be taught to; 

  • Demonstrate stamina. 

  • Throw with accuracy and precision. 

  • Complete a controlled take-off and landing. 

  • Combine running and jumping with increasing control. 


Year 5 Outdoor & Adventurous 

Year 6 Outdoor & Adventurous 

Children could be taught to; 

  • Follow a map in an unknown location 

  • Use clues and a compass to navigate a route 

  • Change my route to overcome a problem.  

  • Use new information to change my route.  


Children could be taught to; 

  • Plan a route and a series of clues for someone else. 

  • Plan with others, taking account of safety and danger. 

The KS3 delivery of Physical Education will be conducted through an offsite programme at the Mountbatten centre. Units of study are followed for a Half term and then rotated on a carousel. 


Invasion Games  

Striking and Fielding  

Net Games  













Table Tennis  










Stroke Development 

Life Saving 


KS3 Example 



Net Games 

Invasion Games 

Invasion Games  



Net Games 

Net Games 

Invasion Games 




Net Games 

Invasion Games 




Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 




Assessed through the 4 PE strands for Years 7-9: 


  1. Health, fitness and engagement  

  1. Application of skill 

  1. Decision Making and Understanding 

  1. Leadership, reflection and communication


Students are actively encouraged to enhance their sporting interests through extra-curricular sport and links with community clubs. In KS3, students will also complete the bleep test at least once per half term to demonstrate their level of fitness.  

Linked to National Curriculum 


  • Develop tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in both team and individual sports. 

  • Develop their technique and improve their performance. 

  • Take on physical challenges and work in a team to solve problems. 

  • Analyse their performances and demonstrate improvement. 

  • Take part in competitive sports through community links or sports clubs. 

The KS4 delivery of Physical Education will be conducted through an offsite programme at the Mountbatten centre. Units of study are followed for a Half term and then rotated on a carousel. 

Year 10 



















Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 




Year 11 



















Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 

Striking and Fielding 




The practical lessons are choice based with students opting towards an activity. These practical sessions are used to extend their development and give them a healthy balance in their education. It is also to embed a healthy ethos and a lifelong love of sport and exercise. Students are actively encouraged to enhance their sporting interests through extra-curricular sport and links with community clubs. 

Option Course – Sports Studies 

Cambridge National Units 


Course Description: 

On this course, students will complete three coursework units and one exam.  


  • Unit 1 – Contemporary Issues in Sport (Exam 1 Hour)  

  • Unit 2 – Practical Sport (Physical Assessment) 

  • Unit 3 – Sports Leadership 

  • Unit 4 – Sport and the Media


This option carries a 50% theory and practical lesson breakdown where all students are expected to extend their interest in sports in outside clubs and teams. 


Topics for Study:  


  • Contemporary issues in sport – Sporting behaviour, performance enhancing drugs, hosting national sporting events and governing bodies.  

  • Practical Sport – Skills, tactics and performance in both an individual and team activity. Officiate effectively and identify how to improve performance.  

  • Sports leadership – Qualities of sports leaders, plan, deliver and evaluate a safe sporting activity. Awareness of equipment, facilities and structure.    

  • Sport and the media – Types, positive and negative impacts on performers and sport. 


Each delivered unit will have 4/5 Learning Outcomes with a total mark available of 60. The Unit is marked progressively so every mark counts towards their total (Max 240). Students are required to apply their knowledge and experience to each task linking to their own practical examples. Students are introduced to each task by the teacher and then can research the area further to deepen their understanding using the internet. 
