Personal Development

Mayfield School Curriculum 

Subject; Personal Development 



Personal Development Across the School 


Autumn 1 

6R-Ready                                            BV-Tolerance 

  • UK inclusion week 
  • Black History Month 
  • World Mental Health day 
  • Mindapples training programme 
  • Charity week 
  • Restart a heart day – Year 8 drop down day  

                                            Tutor sessions 


  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Community session 
  • Dockyard  
  • Workshops, science, external visitors 

Autumn 2 

6R-Respectful                                 BV-Mutual Respect 

  • Antibullying week 
  • Careers week 
  • Human Rights Day 
  • Personal Development Day 1 – Equality Diversity and Inclusion with a rights respecting focus. 
  • Knife crime (year 9) 
  • Animal rights 
  • Respecting our rights 


  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Delivered within vertical tutor groups 
  • Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Assembly 

Spring 1 

6R-Resourcesful                              BV-Individual Liberty 

  • Careers week 
  • Personal development day 2 – Careers 
  • Internet safety week 
  • Holocaust memorial day 
  • Charity week 



  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Year group workshops 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 

Spring 2  

6R- Responsible                               BV-Responsibility 

  • Anti Bullying week 
  • E-Safety week 
  • Charity week 
  • Personal development day 3- Keeping Me safe 
  • World mental health day 
  • Eid/Ramadan 


  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Year group workshops 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 

Summer 1 

6R- Resilient                                         BV-Rule of Law 

  • Earth day  
  • Resilience 
  • Careers week 
  • Mental Health Awareness week 
  • Celebrating success  


  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • House Assembly 

Summer 2 

6R -Reflective                                        BV-Democracy 

  • Sun & water safety 
  • Head prefect voting 
  • Schools diversity week 
  • Charity week 
  • Celebrating success  
  • Activities week 


  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 
  • House Assemblies 
  • Tutor programme & Assembly 


Personal Development By Year Group 


Year 7 

Year 8 

Year 9 

Year 10 

Year 11 

Autumn 1 

PSHE: Working with others 

Careers: Finding What you love 

Keeping Me Safe: Where can I get help?  

PSHE: Politics 



Careers: My learning, my future 

PSHE: Challenges to British values, extremism & radicalisation 

Citizenship: Preparing to achieve 

Careers: Options, making the right choice. 

Citizenship: Keeping healthy 


Careers: Skills for life 



Citizenship: Money & Gambling 


Careers: My Life after Mayfield. 

Autumn 2 

PSHE: Extremism 


Careers: What is careers education. 

Keeping Me Safe: 

PSHE: Money Management 


Careers: Reflecting on my strengths and how to improve as a student.  

PSHE: Sex & relationships 

Citizenship: Equality Act 

Careers: GCSE Options at Mayfield & Educational pathways 

Keeping Me Safe: Kinfe Crime Awareness Assembly – PC Liam Davies 

Citizenship: Medical ethics 


Careers: Different types of skills and employability skills 

Citizenship: Buddhism 


Careers: Exploring post 16 pathways, CV writing workshops 

Spring 1 

PSHE: Healthy Lifestyles, careers 


Careers: Jobs & careers in our society 

PHSE: Careers 


Careers: Why do I need to be ambitious in life 

PSHE: Sex & relationships 

Citizenship: Careers  & options 

Careers: Who influences your GCSE choices 

Citizenship: Mental Health, Careers 


Careers: How to write a CV  


Citizenship: Relationships 


Careers: College applications completed 

Spring 2 

PSHE: Smoking 


Careers: Educational pathways 

PSHE: Mental Health and emotional wellbeing 


Careers: Educational Pathways 

PSHE: Sex & relationships/ Drugs & Alcohol 

Citizenship: Anti-bullying & friendships 

Careers: Talking to Employers 

Citizenship: New religious movements 

Careers: Interview preparations 

EBP Interview Ready session 

EBP Interview Day 

Citizenship: Inspirational people -Freedom 


Careers: College Interviews take place  

Summer 1 

PSHE: Relationships and growing up 


Careers: How to choose a career 

PSHE: Relationships and staying safe online 


Careers: Why do GCSEs options matter 

PSHE: Drugs & Alcohol 

Citizenship: Keeping safe, being a good online citizen  

Careers: My future career 

Citizenship: Politics, Law and Order 


Careers: EBP Speed networking session 




Summer 2 

PSHE: Growing up 


Careers: School Subjects and careers 

PSHE: Body Image 


Careers: Careers & stereotypes 

PSHE: Drugs & Alcohol 


Citizenship: Rights 


Careers: Ready for my future 

Citizenship: Christian philosophy 

Careers: Looking to Uni- Portsmouth university residential trip.  



