
MAYFIELD - OFSTED INSPECTION – 15th-16th November 2023 

‘Leaders have made progress to improve the school’ and ‘Safeguarding is now effective’ 

We received the monitoring inspection letter from OFSTED following our inspection on 15th November 2023.  

This was the school’s first monitoring inspection since the school was judged to have serious weaknesses following the graded (section 5) inspection that took place in November 2022. The purpose of a monitoring inspection is not to grade the school’s overall effectiveness, but to identify and report on the school’s progress. It is to highlight to the school and parents any improvements that school leaders have made since the school’s previous graded inspection. 

The letter recognises that safeguarding concerns in the November 2022 inspection have been addressed and safeguarding is now effective 

The Ofsted inspectors also acknowledged that ‘Improving pupils’ behaviour and attitudes has also rightly been prioritised by leaders and it is here … the most significant progress has been made’ and that ‘Staff comment that the difference is dramatic, and they now feel safe in school and well supported by leaders’. 

The inspection team also found other positive strengths within the school which I have highlighted for you below. 


‘Safeguarding is now effective.’ 


‘Leaders have made progress to improve the school.’ 


‘Pupils across the school are offered a broad curriculum, and leaders are ambitious for what this curriculum should achieve.’ 


‘When a concern is raised, help is rapidly sought and secured.’ 


 ‘Have an accurate picture of the risks that pupils face, and this is helping to keep pupils safe.’ 


‘There is generally a calm and orderly atmosphere around the school, both in and out of lessons.’ 


‘There is a well-planned programme of continuing professional development (CPD) which is tailored to the needs of individual members of staff.’ 


 ‘Disruption in class is far less common.’ 


‘Governors are providing effective challenge to school leaders and helping to drive improvement.’ 


November 2023 